Auto Service: Why You Need to Maintain Your Car

Welcome to my blog. My name is Ken. One day, I was driving home from work when the engine in my car failed. While I waited for the recovery truck to arrive, I realised I didn’t have a clue what went on underneath the bonnet of my car. I signed up for an auto service course at my local community college, so I could gain the skills I needed to properly maintain my car and repair it if something when wrong while I was on the road. I wanted to start a blog to pass on these skills to other people so that they can look after their automobiles.

Staying on top of Your Drive Axle: 4 Signs That your Axle Needs Repair


If you frequently drive your truck for long hours, the axle plays an important role in ensuring that you enjoy a smooth and comfortable ride. In fact, if you notice that your truck is difficult to manoeuvre or it feels bumpier than usual, this could point to an issue with your axle.

The drive axle is the piece of your truck that connects to your two front wheels. In some truck models, it also connects to the transmission system. The axle controls how your vehicle steers while on the road, while also determining the condition of your wheels and tyres. Therefore, it's important to ensure that the axle is in good condition anytime you're on the road.

Here are four signs that indicate a faulty drive axle in your truck.

1. Difficulty steering the vehicle

As you would expect, a faulty drive axle will result in steering wheel challenges. You may notice that you need to turn the wheel too far to the left/right just to manage a smooth turn. You may also have to hold the wheel firmly in place so that the truck doesn't swerve as you drive down the road.

Steering wheel complications point to a faulty or misaligned axle. You should have the truck examined for tandem misalignment issues.

2. Unusual noises while driving

The last thing you want to experience while on a long trip is a noisy truck. If you hear a clicking noise while on the road (especially when turning), your axle may need to be serviced. In some cases, the clicking noise is quite low, and you may not even hear it. But as the condition of your drive axle worsens, the clicking will be loud and apparent.

3. Your tyres get worn out quickly

Do you have to change your tyres on a more frequent basis? Long trips certainly wear out your tyres, but you may notice that tyre costs are running your pocket dry. This is usually another sign of a faulty drive axle. The axle may be causing your wheels to have a negative camber, thus making your tyres wear out faster. If this is the case, have your axle inspected for any issues.

4. Excessive vibration

If you notice that your steering wheel is vibrating unnecessarily, your axle may be loose and unable to firmly attach to your wheels. This, in turn, exerts pressure on the steering wheel, causing unnecessary vibration. A vibrating steering wheel makes driving uncomfortable and potentially risky. Make sure your drive axle is checked for any excessive and unnecessary movement. 

For more information, contact your local vehicle repair service today.


10 November 2018